
Welcome to Northwest Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 22

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Latest News

NHCRWA Rate Decrease

At its September 16, 2024, Board Meeting, the Board of Directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) voted to reduce water rates. The Board reduced surface water rates from $4.05 to $3.05 per 1,000 gallons and groundwater pumpage fees from $3.60 to $2.60 per 1,000 gallons. These rate cuts, complementing the first two cuts of $0.50 each in 2023, will go into effect October 1st.

These fees generally show up on MUD district water bills as simply “NHCRWA”, “NHCRWA fees”, or something similar.

Board President and Director Melissa Rowell said, “We are happy to announce that the Board has voted for a $1.00 reduction in water rates, marking our third rate decrease since the new board members were elected in 2022. This continued effort reflects our commitment to providing value and relief to our rate payers.”

Director Mark Ramsey, an advocate for lower rates added, “I am grateful for the hard work of the board and the staff in identifying ways to reduce water rates. We continue to provide abundant high-quality surface water complementing the even more abundant high-quality groundwater beneath our feet. The board continues to work toward other long-term solutions for North Harris County residents and businesses.”

The motion was made by Director David Barker, a longtime advocate of a $1.00 or more rate reduction.

By |September 19th, 2024|

Hurricane Beryl

Your N.W. MUD 22 BoD are pleased with the services we were able to deliver to our rate-payers during Hurricane Beryl.

On July 8, 2024, Hurricane Beryl hit the Houston Area with high winds and rain. The effects of the hurricane included widespread power outages. The water and wastewater facilities lost power during the storm and did not get power back until July 14, 2024. During this seven-day period, the District’s facilities operated on generator power and kept safe water supplied to the residents and ensured that wastewater was properly treated to prevent environmental damage. At no time was the District’s water supply endangered or unsafe. H2O Innovations executed its emergency operating plans which resulted in little to no impact to water and waste-water delivery services to the district, during the hurricane-event.

Many thanks to H2O and the NW MUD 22 BoD for their hard work and outstanding efforts to keep the waters flowing during this extended power-outage.

Often, we take this for granted until the faucets run-dry & the toilets don’t flush!

By |August 15th, 2024|

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